13 Transport Planning and Infrastructure

This educational module is aimed at the drone and advanced air mobility industries to provide a guide to the functions and priorities of local authorities. The aim is to help industry to optimise their engagement with local authorities when selling services directly to them, seeking local authority support in developing an ecosystem of third-party drone operations and introducing advanced air mobility services into the community.

This educational resource was Commissioned by the Community Integration Working Group (CIWG) ~ Funded by UKRI Future Flight Challenge.

This Information for Industry resource topic is designed to give drone and advanced air mobility (AAM) industry stakeholders an understanding of the current planning laws and procedures in respect to developing AAM and drone infrastructure.

The topics covered include:

  • A high-level, description of the UK planning system, as it currently relates to drone and AAM activities.
  • An explanation of when planning permission is typically required, and how this might apply to drone and AAM operations and infrastructure.
  • A review of the planning policy position for drones and AAM, both the national planning and aviation framework, and any local and regional planning policies.
  • An overview of other relevant considerations for proposals coming forward for drone and AAM operations and infrastructure – such as EIA Development, Aerodrome Safeguarding and when other consents may be required
  • Conclusions and next steps.

Who should view these resources:

  • Senior decision makers and business managers responsible for strategic planning, business development, sales and marketing in pioneering, innovative companies
  • SMEs and micro enterprises
    • offering drone based and AAM solutions to support public sector and local government service provision
    • seeking to provide private drone based services within a local authority area
  • SMEs and micro enterprises providing AAM and drone solutions using local airfields / aerodromes to serve local communities and local councils

Materials presented:

  • Video summary of topic
  • Video transcript
  • Reference documents for additional reading
  • Reference resources via hyperlinks.


All resources can be accessed online using Smart Phone / Computer / Tablet.

Course Tutor

Philip Butterworth-Hayes Philip Butterworth-Hayes